While running...

While running...

So the other day I was running....trying to do 3 miles...and I was listening to a World Mandate cd on my ipod. At the end of one of the songs, you can hear the crowd shouting, "One more song! One more song! One more song!". As I listened to this, I started to loose it as I was running. I probably looked so ridiculous. I thought that this was such a strange response and so I tried to figure out exactly what was going on. As I continued to run I realized that my heart isn't always longing for "one more song". I don't cultivate a life of desiring to be in God's presence. I want my heart to desire another moment with the Lord...another touch from Him, another real honest moment before Him. I want to revel in the presence of the Lord and never want it to end. Is that only for heaven? Is that just a dream and longing for something to come when all this is done? I want to believe that it's possible now and that it's a dream the Holy Spirit put in my life for right now. Jesus, continue to touch my heart like this...even if it is while gasping for breath as I run!


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