My son...Mr. Incredible!!

Micah is turning 3 on November 21st! All he talks about is having a birthday party and getting to eat cake and have balloons and presents! It's really funny! He also has this new Mr. Incredibles outfit that he is going to wear for Fall Fest this year...he wants to wear it all the time! When he puts it on, his hands immediately go to his hips and he makes a very serious face like he means business. It's hilarious and he loves this costume so much that he's even slept in it a few times...which is funny because you'd think the padded "muscles" would be uncomfortable to sleep with. He's definitely my "Mr. Incredible"! I'm so proud of him and I love that he wants to be a hero and save the world. I love that he's likes to be rough and tumble and at the same time he loves to be sweet. He has such a good sweet heart and his imagination seems limitless. When he's not pretending to be Mr. Incredible, he likes to put in Chris' HUGE cowboy boots and stomp around the house in them. He calls himself "Bootey"...which is actually "Woody" from Toy Story. He pretends that Chris' basball cap is a cowboy hat and he even has a little metal star that attaches to his shirt like a sheriff's badge. He's awesome! It's one of the things I love most about having boys...they think of some of te craziest things and I feel like I don't understand it at all...of course Chris totally gets it!!!


Blogger Jenna Cox said...

he is precious!

October 29, 2008 at 8:44 AM  

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